Gold USDollar risk position | close 10 Sep
Gold Price Forecast relative to
Long Term Monthly (LT-M) - Medium Term Weekly (MT-W) - Short Term Daily (ST-D) - and Hourly (not shown) data.
(Previous update in brackets)
Gold/USD | Monthly | Weekly | Daily | |||
1787 (1826) |
Au Trend | ↓ (↓) | ↑ (↑) | ↓ (↓) | |||
Au % Risk Weight |
34 (36) | 53 (48) | 30 (83) | |||
Total PM Portfolio allocation 40% (40%) |
Pt:33% | Ag:33% | Au:33% |
Physical Gold: Nature's currency
10 September: We noticed last week that metals could develop another shakeout and even though it wasn't quite a shakeout all metals and in particular Platinum dropped in value. The world financial space is going through a paradigm shift from traditional business logic to massive innovative and digitally driven data and financial management. Many area's of traditional industry will become obsolete as a result whilst others will thrive. We will stay with our precious metals position in order to have the necessary insurance as the battle between liberal financial innovation and traditional government control is likely to produce an even more volatile higher risk environment.
There will be a shift in our balanced precious metals portfolio allocation as last week's Platinum move now presents a relatively low risk opportunity to go overweight Platinum. As a result we will shift about 4-5% of our physical Gold and 4-5% of our physical Silver into physical Platinum. This will likely happen already on Monday 13 September.
04 September: A new month has arrived and appears to show little change from last week. Monthly risk however has narrowed into a potential uptrend following a one year correction move with risk weight dropping from around 95% to 35%. The May to August period has a strong technical 'end of corrective wave' formation. Gold is NOT a favoured investment right now which in our view makes Gold even more appealing in a (potentially) high risk financial space and even though Central Banks will not taper under current QE policy. This market may well see another sell-off again which cannot shake our long term patience. No Change.